Russia looks to become self-sufficient in poultry meat by 2013

Russia is looking to stop poultry imports by 2013, and says it may beat that goal, according to reports. The country has been developing domestic poultry breeding to cut its dependency on imports.

Russia is looking to stop poultry imports by 2013, and says it may beat that goal, according to reports.

The country has been developing domestic poultry breeding to cut its dependency on imports. The recently lifted ban on American poultry imports, which lasted more than six months, served as an unexpected test. "Imports from the start of the year to July 1 were some 150,000 tons," said Russian meat producer Cherkizovo's CEO Sergei Mikhailov. "We survived and can make a preliminary conclusion that maybe imports are not necessary and we may reach self-sufficiency." 

2010 poultry imports for Russia so far stand at 75% less than the same time period last year. "Therefore, the talk is no longer about volumes on which Russia is dependent," said Mikhailov. "Imports will continue, maybe 400,000-450,000 tons in the whole year." Mikhailov said that if domestic production can be raised by 200,000 tons this year and by the same amount in 2011, imports will be at minimal volumes ahead of the 2013 schedule.

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