Animal Welfare Approved to offer free consulting services

In response to the recent U.S. shell egg recall, Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) is offering its consulting services free of charge to any farmer interested in starting up a pasture-based egg operation. "AWA farmers who are raising laying hens are already experiencing a significant increase in demand for pastured eggs and many are concerned they cannot satisfy it," said AWA Program Director Andrew Gunther.

In response to the recent U.S. shell egg recall, Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) is offering its consulting services free of charge to any farmer interested in starting up a pasture-based egg operation.

"AWA farmers who are raising laying hens are already experiencing a significant increase in demand for pastured eggs and many are concerned they cannot satisfy it," said AWA Program Director Andrew Gunther. "That's why we are encouraging farmers to contact us for set-up advice." The AWA also has a mentoring program that matches new and experienced farmers.

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