Poultry Federation funds ODAFF jobs

The Poultry Federation has stepped in to prevent the elimination of two positions within the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (ODAFF). The two part-time jobs are held by two former soil scientists who develop plans for land owners that are designed to regulate the method, timing and rate that poultry litter is used as a fertilizer.

The Poultry Federation has stepped in to prevent the elimination of two positions within the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (ODAFF).

The two part-time jobs are held by two former soil scientists who develop plans for land owners that are designed to regulate the method, timing and rate that poultry litter is used as a fertilizer. The positions were due to be removed due to state budget cuts, but the Poultry Federation stepped in with a $43,000 grant. "Those of us who work in the poultry industry are serious about our responsibility as environmental stewards and we value ODAFF's efforts to make sure poultry litter is properly used," said Poultry Federation President Marvin Childers. "The state's role in writing nutrient management plans is very important to the poultry farmers and others who use litter as an organic fertilizer on the farm land."

The current grant agreement allows for the possibility of an extension of funds for a maximum of three additional years.

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