Aviagen hosts 47th annual production management school

From June 6 to July 2 Aviagen held its 47th annual production management school in Huntsville, Ala. This year, 32 participants from 19 countries attended the four-week course to learn about the latest technology and best management practices in the poultry production industry.

From June 6 to July 2 Aviagen held its 47th annual production management school in Huntsville, Ala.

This year, 32 participants from 19 countries attended the four-week course to learn about the latest technology and best management practices in the poultry production industry. "The vision of the Aviagen School remains focused on helping the next generation of production managers prepare for success in the global poultry industry," said Neal Scanlon, director of the school and vice president of Aviagen's Asia region. "The School is the perfect environment for learning from some of the leading educators and specialists in their field."

This year's topics were taught by 41 different speakers from academia and the industry and covered such topics as nutrition, veterinary, hatchery operations, production and farm management tools and techniques.

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