Pork cutbacks in Europe

The latest update from Eurostat on the pig population for the 27 member countries of the European Union at the end of 2009 reveals a fall of more than one million or 0.7% from the previous year, to an EU-27 total in 2009 of just under 152 million pigs, according to BPEX. However, the picture for pigmeat production raises more serious concerns.

The latest update from Eurostat on the pig population for the 27 member countries of the European Union at the end of 2009 reveals a fall of more than one million or 0.7% from the previous year, to an EU-27 total in 2009 of just under 152 million pigs, according to BPEX.

However, the picture for pigmeat production raises more serious concerns. Overall, pigmeat production in the EU-27 was just under 21.3 million metric tons last year – a fall of almost 6% compared to 2008. According to BPEX, this somewhat modest average fall masks massive declines in output in some countries, especially the new Member States of cental/east Europe. 

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