Alltech presents 37 scientific research papers

Animal nutrition firm Alltech will present 37 scientific research papers at the Joint Annual Meeting in Denver, Colo., July 11-15. The research represents a cross-section of the range of animal science projects Alltech funds, and is part of 71 papers the company has presented this year in the U.S.

Animal nutrition firm Alltech will present 37 scientific research papers at the Joint Annual Meeting in Denver, Colo., July 11-15. The research represents a cross-section of the range of animal science projects Alltech funds, and is part of 71 papers the company has presented this year in the U.S.

The 2010 Annual Meetings are being held by the American Dairy Science Association, Poultry Science Association, Asociación Mexicana de Producción Animal, Canadian Society of Animal Science, American Society of Animal Science and ASAS Western Section.

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