Trials start for sex-sorted semen

A method to analyze boar semen by computer is starting field trials. UK developer Ovasort Ltd. said it will enable breeders to pre-select the sex of pigs.

A method to analyze boar semen by computer is starting field trials. UK developer Ovasort Ltd. said it will enable breeders to pre-select the sex of pigs.

The company has discovered sex-linked proteins on the surface of sperm cells of both pigs and cattle. From this, it has developed a prototype product to identify and separate the male and female cells for each sex in both species.

Trials of the semen sexing technology will begin in Scandinavia by Danish Pig Production, the worldwide licensee for the pig sector. Patent applications have been filed for the Ovasort technology and the company is in discussions with companies to extend its commercialization in the cattle sector.

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