Denmark intensifies control over antibiotics

The administration of therapeutic levels of antibiotics in the swine industry in Denmark has increased since the ban on growth stimulating antibiotics. This is in consequence of the increase in the incidence rate of intestinal infections.

The administration of therapeutic levels of antibiotics in the swine industry in Denmark has increased since the ban on growth stimulating antibiotics. This is in consequence of the increase in the incidence rate of intestinal infections. Recognizing the trend, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries has introduced a warning system for veterinarians and farmers considered to have administered high levels of antibiotics through the period June 2008 to May 2009.

It has been reported that the ministry intends to introduce new guidelines for acceptable levels of antibiotic use including selection of specific compounds. Violators will be obliged to implement remedial programs and may be subject to fines.

The significance of this action lies in the fact that the current Obama Administration, the USDA, the FDA and some legislators are attuned to events in the EU. Aspects of the program in Denmark may well be imposed in the U.S. at some time in the future especially if Danish data indicates a positive effect on public health.

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