Poultry federation names new board

The Poultry Federation of Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma announced new board member appointments during its 51st Annual Poultry Festival in June. Joining the board are: David Elam, complex manager at Wayne Farms LLC; Vaughn King, western region sales manager for Aviagen Inc.; Troy Green, plant manager at George’s Processing Inc.; Andrew Lekwa, complex manager for Butterball LLC; James Smith, vice president of live operation for Simmons Foods Inc.; and Jeff Vanemburg, operations manager at Pilgrim’s Pride.

The Poultry Federation of Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma announced new board member appointments during its 51st Annual Poultry Festival in June.

Joining the board are: David Elam, complex manager at Wayne Farms LLC; Vaughn King, western region sales manager for Aviagen Inc.; Troy Green, plant manager at George’s Processing Inc.; Andrew Lekwa, complex manager for Butterball LLC; James Smith, vice president of live operation for Simmons Foods Inc.; and Jeff Vanemburg, operations manager at Pilgrim’s Pride.

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