UEP calls for legislation support

Act to authorize purchase of USDA commodities, supporting producers and improving child nutrition.

The UEP has urged producers to encourage their representatives in Congress to support H.R. 4638. This item of legislation, The Healthy Start Act, will amend the major reauthorization of the Federal Child Nutrition Program currently under consideration. Expanding school breakfast programs to provide the equivalent of a nickel of commodities with every school breakfast is the intent of the sponsors, Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin (D-SD) and Joann Emerson (R-MO).

Producers are encouraged to contact their representatives by email with the following message: “Please co-sponsor H.R. 4638 The Healthy Start Act. This bi-partisan legislation provides USDA with funding to include commodities in breakfast programs for the nation’s schools. This will allow millions more children to obtain a good start to their day and derive benefit from the nutritional qualities of eggs and other foods.”

For further information e-mail or call the UEP Washington liaison Howard Magwire at +1.202.842.2345.

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