Mexican broiler output begins recovery

US Foreign Agricultural Service releases 2010 projections

Mexico’s 2010 broiler meat production is likely to rise slightly from 2009 to 2.79 million metric tons, but will not recover to the 2008 level of 2.85 million metric tons, according to a report by the Foreign Agricultural Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Challenges facing the Mexican poultry industry in 2010 include increased imports, a delayed economic recovery, and a federal investigation of possible monopolistic businesses practices.

Domestic consumption for 2010 is projected at 3.37 million metric tons, slightly higher than in 2009. Total broiler imports are expected to hit 545,000 metric tons in 2010, up from 521,000 in 2009 and 447,000 in 2008.

In order to allow more exports to the United States, the Mexican poultry industry is seeking recognition of exotic Newcastle disease-free status for at least six Mexican states.

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