VIV Europe news: Day two attendance

Greater foot fall and more to see.

VIV Europe Hotline, 22 April : Visitor and exhibitor numbers were both higher on the second day of VIV Europe, reflecting, no doubt, the additional journey times for some, and the easing of travel restrictions for others. Visitor numbers reached 4,378 on day two, up from 3,391 on the opening day, while the number of exhibitors increased from 2,315 to 2,373.

There are numerous stories of how visitors managed to find their way to Utrecht. Day one saw attendees from 76 countries, while by day two this had risen to 87. And perseverance has paid off. According to Ovotrack’s Job Beekhuis: “Customers that originally canceled their trip reconsidered and took a plane. Of course, we are pleased with their initiative and efforts!”

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