Iowa Pork Industry Center publishes mycotoxin fact sheet

Iowa Pork Industry Center publishes mycotoxin fact sheetPublication explains how to detect and prevent feed contaminationA fact sheet about mycotoxin contamination of corn is now available from the Iowa Pork Industry Center at Iowa State University. John Patience, associate professor

A fact sheet about mycotoxin contamination of corn is now available from the Iowa Pork Industry Center at Iowa State University. John Patience, associate professor of animal science, said he hopes pork producers, nutritionists and veterinarians will find the fact sheet helpful in understanding what mycotoxins are and how their presence in corn can affect swine.

“The fact sheet explains the relationship between molds and mycotoxins, and provides vital information on how to detect, prevent and, in some cases, utilize contaminated corn,” Patience said. “We want to provide practical management recommendations for corn growers, swine producers, nutritionists and veterinarians in the pork industry.”

The publication describes several common forms of molds and mycotoxins and includes a current listing of mycotoxin field test kit suppliers.

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