Aviagen hosts Japanese delegation’s North American poultry tour

Participants compare best practices in colder climates

1003 P Iaviagen

Aviagen Inc. recently hosted 16 members of the Japan Chunky Association on a tour of broiler farms and processing plants in the United States and Canada. JCA was founded 40 years ago and is made up of representatives from the poultry industry.

Each year, the JCA plans a visit abroad in conjunction with an industry conference to learn about best practices outside of Japan. This year’s tour began with a visit to the International Poultry Expo in Atlanta, Ga.

One of the highlights of the trip was a visit to Aviagen customers in Canada, where the group learned about wintertime ventilation techniques, broiler management criteria and brooding parameters for the Aviagen Ross 308 breed in a colder environment that is similar to chicken farming conditions in Japan.

The group also spent time at Aviagen’s corporate headquarters in Huntsville, Ala., where they received updates on product performance, veterinary issues and biosecurity objectives.

 JCA delegates represented various aspects of the industry, including feed processing and quality, meat processing, broiler management, breeder management and hatchery management.

“We have been impressed with what we have experienced. It has been practical and applicable for all who participated to observe how best practices from U.S. and Canadian operations can be applied to the benefit of their own businesses,” said Hideaki Kokubo, Nippon Chunky sales manager.

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