Will spring’s warming trend affect more than the weather?

EU housing and US legislation are changing the industry.

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The Midwest Poultry Federation Convention represents the focus of this edition of Egg Industry. The technical sessions and the exhibition center on egg production, compensating for the lack of representation by equipment manufacturers at the recent IPE in Atlanta. Advances in housing, installations, allied products and services are reviewed in relation to productivity and profitability.

Critical statistics relating to the industry are summarized for the guidance of readers. Data on flock size, future prices and trends are considered with a commentary to assist in developing strategies for marketing and expansion.

A visit to a new house containing 300,000 hens in southern Georgia is a feature in this edition. Selected by a leading producer and industry personality after extensive evaluation, this Tecno installation suggests the direction of future housing of confined hens in the U.S. Suppliers of equipment from Europe are continuing to compete with domestic manufacturers, based on innovation and price, despite the differential in value of the U.S. dollar to the Euro and associated freight costs.

An interview with Howard Magwire of the UEP Congressional Liaison Office in Washington provides an insight into the problems facing egg producers. Current issues include impending legislation and new regulations imposed by an environmentally and consumer oriented administration which has displayed an emerging bias against intensive livestock production during their first year of operation.

Industry news and new products which have the potential to influence practices in the U.S. are featured as a service to producers.

As we move into spring it is hoped that the increases in both temperature and pre-Easter prices will have a "warming effect" on the bottom line for you all.

Please continue to provide input and suggestions to improve the content and quality of Egg Industry.

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