Sharp decrease in Spanish rabbit production

Decline in consumption attributed to recession

Rabbit meat production in Spain has dropped by about one-quarter in the past seven years, according to data from the Spanish ministry responsible for rural affairs. Output in 2009 totaled 72,000 metric tons, compared with almost 95,000 tons in 2002. The largest annual decrease in recent years was between 2007 and 2008, when production fell by nearly 9%.

Spain’s rabbit industry group, Intercun, says it is looking to 2010 to bring some return of profitability after a period of increases in production costs. The economic recession is blamed for causing a significant downturn in the Spanish demand for rabbit meat. A campaign to promote consumption is planned for this year.

Rural ministry figures show 6 million rabbits kept nationally for meat and fur in 2009, mostly in the regions of Catalonia, Aragon, Galicia and Valencia.

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