Ivorian poultry producers credit industry revival to import duties

Production has doubled since 2005

The return of duties on poultry products from Europe and Latin America has revived Cote d’Ivoire’s domestic poultry industry, according to Inter Press Service. From 2005, to 2009, poultry production expanded from 9,000 tonnes to 20,000 tonnes and egg production grew from 435 million to 800 million, according to Philippe Ackah, president of the poultry industry association IPRAVI (Interprofession Avicole de Côte d’Ivoire).

Cote d’Ivoire reinstated poultry duties in 2005, after three years of free import licenses, and the current duty raises the price of imported poultry by about 100%, the Inter Press Service reported.

"This regulation saved the Ivorian poultry industry from ruin," Alain Bouabré, an Ivorian economist, told the news agency.

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