Applying what we’ve learned

Lessons relate to the need to depend on the resources of the UEP

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As we enter a new year and a fresh decade we should consider how we responded to the challenges of 2009 in order to apply the lessons learned in 2010.

The favorable outcome of Ohio Issue No. 2 represents hope for rationality in evaluating confined housing of livestock. The approach of establishing an impartial Livestock Management Board is to be emulated by Missouri and perhaps Nebraska.

The various contrived and claimed episodes of mismanagement during the year were investigated by a committee of the UEP which responded appropriately with press statements refuting claims. The lessons from the various occurrences relate to the need to depend on the resources of the UEP which represents our industry and can draw on the knowledge and experience of members, consultants and specialists for our mutual security.

Although the cost of ingredients has imposed a heavy burden on producers, nutritionists are formulating to more precise specifications and using enzyme feed additives to enhance nutrient availability.

The advent of the long-awaited FDA Final Rule on SE may be subject to some difficulties in implementation. Again the representations made by industry have highlighted defects in the proposed procedures for diagnosis and response to “positive” environmental assays. Hopefully the discrepancies between what the FDA requires and what is practical and in the end, beneficial to consumers, remain to be resolved and reconciled this year.

The annual IPE is a time for renewing friendships, establishing new contacts and reviewing innovative equipment and services. WATT has a long history of cooperating with the USPOULTRY and its forerunner in providing technical assistance and publicity. Our magazines and websites will highlight new products and research and identify trends in production, processing and marketing. My colleagues responsible for the production of Egg Industry join me in wishing you all a successful 2010 IPE and a profitable year.

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