Taiwan resuscitates ban on US beef

Move comes just two months after agreement to resume imports

On Dec. 29, Taiwanese legislators proposed reviving a ban on U.S. beef imports over concerns about bovine spongiform encephalopathy. An amendment to Taiwan’s food safety laws would prohibit imports of bovine intestinal products and beef-on-bone products, according to the Financial Times of London.

The move comes just two months after the United States had won a concession from Taiwan to remove its ban on U.S. beef imports.

Demetrios Marantis, deputy U.S. trade representative, said on Dec. 30, “If passed, this amendment would … constitute a unilateral abrogation of a bilateral agreement concluded in good faith by the United States with Taiwan.”

Taiwan’s legislature could vote on the amendment as early as January 2010. Taiwanese proponents of a voter referendum to abolish U.S. beef imports have gained 150,000 signatures, according to the Financial Times.

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