Food trends for 2010

Trends include using basic ingredients and bartering for food

The Food Channel recently released its top 10 food trends for 2010. The list is based on research from the network, CultureWaves and the International Food Futurists.

  1. Keeping it Real: Basic ingredients, shaped by the current economy.
  2. Experimentation Nation: New restaurant concepts around “fresh” and DIY.
  3. More in Store: Growth in grocery stores, particularly as private label assumes prominence.
  4. American, The New Ethnic: The latest flavors are coming from the American melting pot.
  5. Food Vetting: Assurance of eating the right things and that food is safe.
  6. Mainstreaming Sustainability: People and companies becoming sustainable for authentic reasons.
  7. Food with Benefits: Nutrient-dense food.
  8. I Want My Umami: Experimentation and a willingness to try new things.
  9. Will Trade for Food: A barter system assisted by technology.
  10. I, Me, Mine: The rise of the individual; but it’s not just about portion size — it’s also about food that reflects personality.
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