Cambodian breeding house to sell Yorkshire pigs

Cambodian breeding house to sell Yorkshire pigs Local farmers interested in better breeding potential of imported pigs Reports  say that 3,000 Yorkshire pigs will be sold to Cambodian farmers. The Mong Reththy Group imported the pigs from the U.K. last year for its new breeding house

Reports say that 3,000 Yorkshire pigs will be sold to Cambodian farmers. The Mong Reththy Group imported the pigs from the U.K. last year for its new breeding house for $5 million.

Pigs that are 8 months old will be sold for $420-$500 each and are hoped to have more breeding potential than local pigs.

The sale comes as the pig industry flounders in the country with problems of feed supply and market prices that have fallen nearly 4% this year.

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