Poultry association hosts career program

Poultry association hosts career program College students meet companies at expo USPOULTRY  chairman Monty Henderson said as part of the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association’s commitment to future leaders, it provides many outreach programs including the College Student Career P

The College Student Career Program Advisory Committee includes: (Seated from left) Dave Kennemer, Aviagen; Rashad Delph, Tyson Foods Inc.; Kathy Davis, Equity Group – Eufaula Division; Lynn Worley-Davis, North Carolina State University; Doug Anderson, Wayne Farms; Glen Balch, George’s Inc.; and (standing from left), David Jones, Perdue Farms Inc.; Dirk Wise, Penn State University; Donnie King, Tyson Foods Inc.; Elton Maddox, Wayne Farms; Dr. Mike Kidd, Mississippi State University; and Dr. Willie Willis, North Carolina A&T University.
The College Student Career Program Advisory Committee includes: (Seated from left) Dave Kennemer, Aviagen; Rashad Delph, Tyson Foods Inc.; Kathy Davis, Equity Group – Eufaula Division; Lynn Worley-Davis, North Carolina State University; Doug Anderson, Wayne Farms; Glen Balch, George’s Inc.; and (standing from left), David Jones, Perdue Farms Inc.; Dirk Wise, Penn State University; Donnie King, Tyson Foods Inc.; Elton Maddox, Wayne Farms; Dr. Mike Kidd, Mississippi State University; and Dr. Willie Willis, North Carolina A&T University.

USPOULTRY chairman Monty Henderson said as part of the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association’s commitment to future leaders, it provides many outreach programs including the College Student Career Program (CSCP) held in conjunction with the International Poultry Expo (IPE) at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Ga.

Each year the CSCP welcomes more than 300 students from 25 universities to take part in the experience. Seniors and graduates from four-year schools in various majors meet with industry and allied firms and participate in on-site interviews for jobs and internships.

U.S. Poultry & Egg Association provides financial assistance for eligible students and university advisors to defray the costs of hotel rooms while participating in the program. Also, the association hosts an electronic resume database for registered employers to search for candidates with specific backgrounds or skill sets. Once candidates are identified, the employer schedules interviews at the convention center during show hours.

To participate in the program, companies pay a fee of $50. Interviewing firms can access the student database which hosts hundreds of qualified candidates.

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