Norwegian farm slaughters pigs after H1N1 outbreak

More than 1,300 pigs from an Åsen in Nord-Trøndelag county farm in the town of Steinkjer were slaughtered in mid-October following an outbreak of H1N1.

More than 1,300 pigs from an Åsen in Nord-Trøndelag county farm in the town of Steinkjer, Norway, were slaughtered in mid-October following an outbreak of H1N1.

Mattilsynet, Norway's food and agricultural watchdog, said the slaughter of the pigs was a drastic but necessary measure, and this is Norway's first case of H1N1. Mattilsynet later reported three tests had failed to find any further cases of the disease. The Åsen region has a large number of pig farms and is an important area for pig production in Norway.

Pig farmers throughout Norway have been urged by Mattilsynet to familiarize themselves with measures needed to prevent the spread of H1N1.

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