USPOULTRY accepting award applications

Clean Water Award applications must be received by December 31.

U.S. Poultry & Egg Association is accepting applications for the 2010 Clean Water Awards. The award recognizes outstanding water treatment plant performance in the poultry industry. Winners will be announced at the Association's Environmental Management Seminar in New Orleans, March 17-18, 2010. The deadline for submitting applications is December 31, 2009.

There are two categories for the award: one for full treatment facilities - those that fully reclaim their wastewater prior to discharge into receiving water or final land application system, and one for pretreatment facilities - those that discharge pretreated effluent to publicly-owned full treatment facilities.

An evaluation committee will review the application package and select two semifinalist facilities in each category. The review committee will then visit the semifinalist facilities to select the award recipients. The committee includes university personnel, industry engineers and managers, and state regulatory officials.

Award recipients will receive a trophy, be profiled on the USPOULTRY Web site, and receive assistance from the association in publicizing the award on a local, regional, and national level.

For more information, contact: Paul Bredwell: [email protected].

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