Bibliografía de "El futuro de los antibióticos en la producción animal"

Contrario a la creencia popular, el uso los antibióticos conocidos como los promotores del crecimiento produce beneficios directos tanto para la salud animal, como la humana.

Esta lista es la bibliografía de "El futuro de los antibióticos en la producción animal." Leer este articulo, haga clic aquí

Acar, J., M. Casewell, J. Freeman, C. Friis and H. Goossens, 2000.  Avoparcin and virginiamycin as animal growth promoters: a plea for science in decision making.  Clinical Microbiology and Infection 6 (9):477-482.

Anderson, S.A., R.W. Yeaton Woo and L.M. Crawford, 2001.  Risk assessment of the impact on human health of resistant Campylobacter jejuni from fluoroquinolone use in beef cattle. Food Control, 12:13-25. National Safety Council.

Animal Health Institute, 2005. Animal health companies meet increased need for antibiotics. October 12, Washington, DC.

Barber, D.A., 2001.  New perspectives on transmission of foodborne pathogens and antimicrobial resistance.  JAVMA, 218 (10): 1559-1561.

Barber, D.A., G.Y. Miller and P.E. McNamara, 2003.  Models of Antimicrobial Resistance and Foodborne Illness: Examining Assumptions and Practical Applications.  Journal of Food Protection, 66 (4): 700-709.

Bezoen, A., W. van Haren, J.C. Hanekamp, 1999. Emergence of a debate: AGPs and public health. Human health and antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs): Reassessing the risk. HAN, Heidelberg Appeal Nederland Foundation.

Bywater, R.J. and M.W. Casewell, 2000. An assessment of the impact of antibiotic resistance in different bacterial species and of contribution of animal sources to resistance in human infections. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 46: 1052. 

Casewell, M., C. Friis, E. Marco, P. McMullin and I. Phillips, 2003.  The European ban on growth-promoting antibiotics and emerging consequences for human and animal health.  Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 52:159-161.

Cervantes, H., 2003.  The Antibiotic Resistance Debate:  An Industry Perspective on the Use of Virginiamycin (Stafac) in Poultry.  Proc. 52nd Western Poultry Disease Conference, March 8-11, Holiday Inn Capitol Plaza, Sacramento, California.  pp. 63-67.

Cervantes, H., 2004.  The debate about antibiotic use in food animals:  The science vs. the politics. Proc. 53rd Western Poultry Disease Conference, March 7-9, Holiday Inn Capitol Plaza, Sacramento, California, pp.

Cervantes, H., 2006.  La prohibición de la Unión Europea sobre el uso de antibióticos.  Industria Avícola, Marzo:14-19.

Chadwick, P.R., N. Woodford, E.B. Kaczmarski, S. Gray, R.A. Barrell and B.A. Oppenheim, 1996.  Glycopeptide-resistant enterococci isolated from uncooked meat.  Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 38:908-909.

Cox, L.A., Jr. and D.A. Popken, 2004.  Quantifying Human Health Risks from Virginiamycin Used in Chickens.  Risk Analysis, 24(1):271-288.

DANMAP, 1997-2007.  Use of antimicrobial agents and occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from food animals, foods and humans in Denmark.

Goosens, H., D. Jabes and R. Rossi, 2003.  European survey of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in at-risk hospital wards and in vitro susceptibility testing of ramoplanin against these isolates.  Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 51 (suppl. S3):ii5-iii12.

HR-1549, 111th U.S. Congress.  Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act.

IFT Expert Report, 2006. Antimicrobial Resistance: Implications for the Food System, An expert report funded by the Institute of Food Technologists Foundation.  Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 5 (3):71-137.

Immerseel, F.V., J. De Buck, F. Pasmans, G. Huyghebaert, F. Haesebrouck and R. Ducatelle, 2004.  Clostridium perfringens in poultry: an emerging threat for animal and public health.  Avian Pathology, 33(6):537-549.

Jones, R.N., C.H. Ballow, D.J. Biedenbach, J.A. Dienhardt and J.A. Shentag, 1998.  Antimicrobial activity of quinupristin/dalfopristin (RP 59500, Synercid) tested against over 28,000 recent clinical isolates from 200 medical centers in the United States and Canada.  Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 30:437-451.

Jones, R.N. and J. Turnidge, 2003. SENTRY Antimicrobial Surveillance Program Five Year Summary (Slide Presentation).

Kaldhusdal, M. and M. Hofshagen, 1992.  Barley inclusion and avoparcin supplementation in broiler diets. 2. Clinical, pathological and bacteriological findings in a mild form of necrotic enteritis.  Poultry Science, 71:1145-1153.

Kieke, A.L., M.A. Borchart, B.A. Kieke, S.K. Spencer, M.F. Vandermause, K.E. Smith, S.L. Jawahir and E.A. Belongia, 2006. Use of streptogramin growth promoters in poultry and isolation of streptogramin-resistant Enterococcus faecium from humans. J. of Infectious Diseases 194:1201-1208.

Lovland, A. and M. Kaldhusdal, 2001.  Severely impaired production performance in broiler flocks with high incidence of Clostridium perfringens-associated hepatitis.  Avian Pathology, 30:73-81.

Magee, J.T., E.L. Pritchard, K.A. Fitzgerald, F.D.J. Dunstan and A.J. Howard, 1999.  Antibiotic prescribing and antibiotic resistance in community practice: retrospective study, 1996-8.  British Medical Journal 319: 1239-1240.

Mathers, J.J., S.R. Clark, D. Hausmann, P. Tillman, V.R. Benning and S.K. Gordon, 2004.  Inhibition of resistance plasmid transfer in E. coli by Ionophores, Chlortetracycline, Bacitracin and Ionophore/Antimicrobial Combinations.  Avian Diseases: 48:317-323.

McDonald, L.C., S. Rossitier, C. Mackinson, Y.Y. Wang, S. Johnson, M. Sullivan, R. Sokolow, E. Debees, L. Gilbert, J.A. Benson, B. Hill and F.J. Angulo, 2001.  Quinupristin-Dalfopristin-resistant Enterococcus faecium on chicken and in human stool specimens.  New England Journal of Medicine, 345(16):1155-1160.

National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System, 2004.  Enteric Bacteria: Final Report. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Department of Health and Human Services.

National Research Council, 1998. The use of drugs in food animals: Benefits and risks. National Academy Press, Washington, DC., USA.

Phillips, I., 1999.  Assessing the evidence that antibiotic growth promoters influence human infections.  Journal of Hospital Infection, 43:173-178.

Phillips, I., M. Casewell, T. Cox, B. De Groot, C. Friis, R. Jones, C. Nightingle, R. Preston and J. Waddell, 2004.  Does the use of antibiotics in food animals pose a risk to human health?  A critical review of published data.  Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 53:28-52.

S-619, 111th U.S. Congress.  Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act.

SCAN (1996).  Report of the Scientific Committee for Animal Nutrition (SCAN) on the possible risk for humans on the use of avoparcin as feed additive.  Opinion expressed 21 May 1996, Office for EC Publications, Luxemburg.

SCAN (1998).  Opinion of the Scientific Committee for Animal Nutrition (SCAN) on the immediate and long-term risk to the value of streptogramins in human medicine posed by the use of virginiamycin as an animal growth promoter.  10 July 1998, Office for EC Publications, Luxemburg.

Simjee, S., D.G. White, P.F. McDermott, D.D. Wagner and R.D. Walker, 2002. Humans as a reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes for animals: Evidence of antibiotic resistance gene exchange between human and animal enterococci. FDA Veterinarian Newsletter, July/August, Vol. XVII, No. IV.

Sorensen, T.L., M. Blom, D.L. Monnet, N. Frimodt-Moller, R.L. Poulsen, and F. Espersen, 2001.  Transient intestinal carriage after ingestion of antibiotic-resistant Enterococcus faecium from chicken and pork.  New England Journal of Medicine, 16:1161-66.

Stutz, M.W., and G.C. Lawton, 1984. Effects of diets and antimicrobials on growth, feed efficiency, intestinal Clostridium perfringens, and ileal weight of broiler chicks.  Poultry Science, 63:2036-42.

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Rice, L.B., L. Carias, S. Rudin,C. Vael, H. Goosens, C. Konstabel, I. Klare, S.R. Nallpareddy, W. Huang, and B.E. Murray, 2003.  A potential virulence gene, hylEfm, predominates in Enterococcus faecium of clinical origin.  The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 187:508-12.

Roura, E., J. Homedes and K.C. Klasing, 1992. Prevention of immunologic stress contributes to the growth-permitting ability of dietary antibiotics in chicks. Journal of Nutrition, 122:2383-2390.

Russell, S.M., 2003.  The Effect of Airsacculitis on Bird Weights, Uniformity, Fecal Contamination, Processing Errors and Populations of Campylobacter spp. and E. coli.  Poultry Science 82:1326-1331.

Viaene, J,, 1997.  The Swedish animal production system – Could it be applied across the EU? Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture and Applied Biological Sciences, University of Gent, Gent, Belgium.

Williams, P.E.V., 2001. The European ban of the prophylactic use of as antibiotics as growth promoters in animal nutrition: Political and economic aspects.  Proc. Australian Poultry Science Symposium, pp. 83-91.

Williems, R.J.L., J. Top, N. van den Braak, A. van Belkum, H. Endtz, D. Mevius, E. Stobberingh, A. van den Bogaard, and J.D.A. van Embden, 2000.  Host specificity of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 182:816-23.

World Health Organization, 2000.  WHO Global Principles for the Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals Intended for Food. Pages 1-23 in Document WHO/CDS/CSR/APH/2000.4  WHO, Geneva, Switzerland.         

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