Nigerian government compensates farmers

Over 3,000 farmers receive US$5.43 million for culling H5N1-positive flocks.

Nigeria's Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources has provided compensations worth NGN631 million (US$5.43 million) to farmers whose birds were culled due to avian influenza, the Daily Triumph reported.

The compensation covers 3,037 beneficiaries who were affected since 2006. It was 2006 when the first outbreak was reported at Sambawa Farm, Kaduna state, according to Dr. Muhammad Sa'idu, the component coordinator, World Bank Animal Health and Avian Influenza Control Project.

About 3,000 farmers have already received compensations totaling NGN437 million (US$3 million) in the first and second phases. Payment was, however, denied to seven farmers in Kano state. They had failed to follow re-stocking guidelines.

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