Absolute’s AMG pipette trial analyzed

A recent trial set out to test the effectiveness of Absolute’s AMG Pipette against conventional AI rods.

A recent trial conducted at Lone Hollow Farms, LLC set out to test the effectiveness of Absolute’s AMG Pipette against conventional AI rods. The farm staff used the AMG rod to breed half of the 5,650 animals each week for four to six consecutive weeks. The conventional rods were used to breed the other half of animals. In total, 735 sows were bred with the AMG rod, and 612 sows were bred with the conventional rod. A total of 1,347 animals were bred for the trial; each animal, in estrus, was inseminated by the same rod design throughout the breeding period.

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Results were as follows: Conception Rates were higher in the sows bred with the AMG pipette by 10.12% (83.3 versus 73.1); farrowing rates were higher in sows bred with the AMG pipette by 6.9% (75.4 versus 68.4); total born were higher in sows bred with the AMG pipette by 0.91 pigs per litter (12.9 versus 11.9); and bigs born alive were higher in sows bred with the AMG pipette by 0.8 pigs per litter (12.4 versus 11.6).

The trial was conducted by Carthage Veterinary Service Ltd., and by Joseph F. Connor, DVM, MS.

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