NFU report: Investment needed in British chicken market

A report commissioned by the National Farmers' Union and UK broiler growers purports that more investment is needed to safeguard the future of British chicken and ensure quality poultry meat.

report commissioned by the National Farmers' Union and UK broiler growers purports that more investment is needed to safeguard the future of British chicken and ensure quality poultry meat.

The report, written by Savills, show investment in the broiler sector has not increased much, especially for new chicken housing. Input costs have risen during the past five years and profit margins have not kept up.

Another highlight from the report includes a noted breakdown of chicken retail prices in 2008.

Recommendations from the report include:

  • Benchmark production costs
  • Introduce independent costing service
  • Reduce waste, inefficiencies in the supply chain

Read the complete report.

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