Brazil: Chicken, egg production in 2008

In Brazil in 2008, chicken and egg production increased.

In Brazil in 2008, chicken and egg production increased.

In 2008, 4.875 billion chickens were processed with an 11.5% increase.

Egg production increased by 5.3%, to 2.280 million dozen. This data was released by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics.

Chicken processing in 2008 was above the 2007 figure, during all of the 12 months in the year. Processing during the fourth quarter was 1,245 million broilers, an increase of 8.5% compared to the same period in 2007.

Carcass weight reached a total of 2.550 million metric tons, an increase of 5.8% compared to the fourth quarter 2007. 

Egg production was higher than 2007 production for all months of 2008. Production during the fourth quarter was of 574.807 million dozens, a 3.4% increase compared to same period in 2007, and a 0.4% decrease compared to the third quarter of 2008.

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