Russia to decrease poultry imports

Russia, which already produces 64% of the poultry meat Russians consume, is aiming to reduce poultry imports by pouring billions of rubles into the expansion of poultry farms, according to an article from

Russia, which already produces 64% of the poultry meat Russians consume, is aiming to reduce poultry imports by pouring billions of rubles into the expansion of poultry farms, according to an article from

"We are aiming to have … maybe 15% of [poultry meat be] imported meat," said Vladimir Fisinin, president of the Russian Poultry Breeders' Union. This compares with 36% last year, according to Reuters.

State banks will provide loans of 72 billion rubles (US$2.23 billion) this year for building new animal and poultry farms, according to the ministry, as the self-sufficiency in poultry would create jobs and help ensure Russia avoids the crises faced by importers when food prices rise.

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