Ga. poultry counties more economically efficient than others‚ finds study

Total net farm income almost three times that of others

A recent comparative study of farm incomes in southern Georgia concludes that counties that have poultry production facilities have, on average, total net farm income of almost three times that of comparable but non-poultry-producing counties, according to a Poultry Science Association (PSA) press release. 

Poultry counties are also more economically efficient, with a net income per acre more than double that of non-poultry counties, according to the study.

The study, A Comparison of Farm Incomes for Poultry and Non-Poultry Producing Counties in South Georgia, was issued by The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.

“I believe that a parallel study on the relative economic contributions of poultry vs. non-poultry counties in other areas of the country would find that the general conclusions of our work hold true,” said author of the study, Dan L. Cunningham, PhD. “They would likely demonstrate that poultry production has a strikingly powerful effect in terms of economic impact on these typically smaller and more rural economies.”

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