Butterball plant reaches safety milestone

Butterball LLC announced a worker safety accomplishment - its Huntsville, Ala., plant reached 3 million hours without any lost-time injuries.

Butterball LLC announced a worker safety accomplishment -- its Huntsville, Ala., plant reached 3 million hours without any lost-time injuries.

Protocols that have helped the facility reach this accomplishment include:

  • extensive health examinations for production associates;
  • training programs that include classroom sessions, medical assessments and line training;
  • weekly safety, equipment and site checks conducted by production associates and management teams; and
  • a hazard resolution log database used to track safety hazards until they are properly resolved.

"Our employees are a vital component to Huntsville's successful safety program," said Brian Rodgers, director of safety and risk management at Butterball. "Their feedback provides useful information needed to evaluate and critique the effectiveness of our safety initiatives."

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