Feed-to-meat is focus at VIV Asia

The VIV exhibition focuses on many aspects of animal agriculture, from farm to consumer.

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Both exhibitor and visitor numbers are expected to be higher in 2011.
Both exhibitor and visitor numbers are expected to be higher in 2011.

When VIV Asia opens its doors 11-13 March 2009 in Bangkok, Thailand, it will be aiming to build on its reputation as a major platform in the Asia-Pacific region featuring breakthrough innovations all along the food chain. The 2009 feed-to-meat exhibition promises to put the spotlight on animal agriculture.

Project manager Ruwan Berculo explains, "VIV aims to create inspiring business platforms centered on innovation."

The organizers' objectives are to present world-class innovative products and services to advanced top-end buyers, and to explain best practices and guidelines for production and processing.

Consumer attitude and behavior towards food is rapidly changing on a worldwide scale, note the show's organisers. There is a strong focus on health issues, including healthier food. The demand for convenience food products, in smaller ready-to-eat portions, is also on the rise. Consequently, the importance of delivering fresh and safe meat products with an extended shelf life is increasing. Packaging is becoming more important in the selling process; consumers increasingly demand that fresh foods be conveniently packaged and easy to store.

Animal production and processing is facing a difficult time. After BSE, classical swine and avian influenza, consumers are sceptical and want guarantees about the safety of the meats they eat. Meat safety can only be guaranteed if every step in the meat production chain is carefully monitored and controlled.

VIV Asia organisers say that to stay current with these developments, today's meat business needs to focus on improvements in yield, quality, hygiene, traceability, portioning, performance, profitability, efficiency, and transparency:

Meat producing and processing companies adapt and improve their production processes to meet the demands. International food quality institutions developed standards for quality assurance and secured traceability. The trend is towards systems that cover the entire food chain, from primary production to finished products: from feed to meat. Organisers say VIV Asia was developed to meet those needs.

VIV and meat safety

VIV Asia fulfills the role of the region's platform on animal production and meat processing. It is designed to showcase the industry's trends and technologies by the feed-to-meat concept. That concept, say VIV spokespersons, joins supply and demand of the complete animal protein chain, based on the fact that animal feed and animal health are vital to guarantee meat quality and safety. VIV Asia 2009 is marketed to represent all parts of the meat production process. The jointly held VIV Asia Conference will provide seminars and workshops to support this theme.

Target audiences for VIV Asia include industrial feed processing equipment, supply, and raw materials companies; feed ingredients and additives representatives; feed manufacturers; animal health companies; animal breeding entities; farm equipment companies; slaughter equipment companies; meat ingredient representatives; those in the meat processing, packaging, handling, refrigeration, egg processing, and dairy processing industries; and those marketing meat, dairy and egg products.

Organisers of this year's event say that the last VIV Asia, held in 2007, proved to be an effective meeting place for professionals across the livestock and aquaculture industries and they expect the same to be true in 2009. In 2007, 518 exhibitors from 37 countries displayed their latest and most innovative products. Visitors numbering 21,726 from 92 countries walked the show floor, to catch up with the industry from around the globe while the two-day VIV Asia Conference attracted 2,720 industry representatives. For more information on this year's event, go to www.viv.net.

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