Virtual forum provides real opportunities

WATT announces the first online, interactive event focusing on animal nutrition and health issues.

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Technology continues to shape our world, including that of the feed industry. At WATT, we continue to use new and emerging technologies to improve our ability to provide knowledge about the industries that we serve.

Our publications are available online and in digital format. We have enhanced our delivery of information through the use of websites that go hand-in-hand with our magazines and newsletters to provide more in-depth exploration of issues, opportunity for discussion, commentary and the latest on product introductions and industry events. In addition, WATT has had a global perspective on the industry that spans decades, with a rich history of worldwide coverage and reach.

WATT has successfully united its global coverage with the latest technologies in the past for the most efficient and timely delivery of industry data and services. The latest example? WATT is announcing the first "virtual" forum focused on the latest animal nutrition and health information for global animal feed, poultry and swine professionals to take place on April 29, 2009. This undertaking, besides being the first of its kind to be focused on our industries, marks a significant opportunity for the animal-feed industry. Nutritionists, veterinarians, animal production/husbandry managers and technical consultants, as well as manufacturers and marketers of animal-health products, feed ingredients and feed additives, will engage in real-time interaction by making use of any available local internet access.

Networking opportunities

There will be a live panel and individual presentations on the latest animal nutrition and health issues, with question-and-answer sessions from top industry experts throughout the day. This one-day education forum is 100% virtual, online and free to attend.  Thousands of participants from around the world will be able to network with other visitors and access knowledge from a global forum of topics and speakers, all without the cost of travel.

"Technology has advanced to the point where virtual forums and conferences look and feel remarkably like their physical counterparts delivering the same knowledge-sharing and personal interactions while also providing a rich networking experience," says WATT President and CEO Greg Watt. "We wanted to provide the ultimate online experience platform for the global animal-agribusiness community to interact."

The forum's structure allows participants to communicate real-time with experts in the animal nutrition and health fields worldwide via instant messaging, chats, e-mails or the exchange of electronic business cards. Technology makes this event a forum that any agribusiness professional can attend from anywhere in the world. Benefits are multifold.

The forum will be held for one day and we realise not everyone will be able to participate due to other commitments. That is why the forum will be archived and available "on demand" for 90 days to provide access to those who were not able to attend the live event.

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