100 days of COVID-19 in the poultry industry (and in life)

Indeed, China sneezed and spread pneumonia to the rest of the world, something that hardly resembles the Mexican saying that "when the United States sneezes, Mexico gets the flu."

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(Royalty Free illustration | Rawpixel.com)
(Royalty Free illustration | Rawpixel.com)

Indeed, China sneezed and spread pneumonia to the rest of the world, something that hardly resembles the Mexican saying that "when the United States sneezes, Mexico gets the flu."

I cannot forget that already at the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) in January of this year in Atlanta, COVID-19, its impact in China, raw material manufacturing and its consequences on poultry was already the talk of the town. I was critical and skeptical in those days, remembering the H1N1 pandemic, which was more of a "runny nose" compared to this. Maybe I should back down.

It's been 100 days since then, a few more, a few less, depending on where we are in the world. The world begins to stretch, to awaken from this long nightmare and forced hibernation. Let's see what we find.

At least, we find a poultry industry that, as an essential activity, has continued working. First, in front of panic, people turned to crazy egg purchases, to the point that they became scarce and in several countries the price rose dramatically. In addition to being a comfort food that makes you feel at home, eggs established themselves as a healthy, cheap, accessible food that has always been there. From this new platform, eggs have continued to rise and have been strengthened even more.

Chicken was the sector that was the most impacted in domestic consumption, in the sense that the restaurant and hotel sector had very little activity. However, from the rubble of the industry emerged the ever-present, but perhaps relegated, home delivery service as well as takeaway service at the restaurants (at least in Latin America). These services acquired a vital preponderance, which I consider to be another platform that should be maintained and added to restaurants that reopen. It is not exclusive to pizzerias. In addition, the extra plus is that they offer jobs that are so needed now.

Other aspects that I bring to light is that we rediscover home cooking and although some return to work to their offices soon, perhaps some of us will continue to eat at home, like those who do home office.

Finally, let’s talk about biosecurity. Nothing is more important in all this nightmare than to remind ourselves that if we want to continue producing, we must not forget to emphasize and enforce biosecurity, hygiene and cleaning regulations on farms and plants.

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