Avian influenza and poultry productivity in Mexico

The egg industry in Mexico is at a crossroads between overstocking of layers, egg glut, avian flu vaccination and low productivity.

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The egg industry in Mexico is at a crossroads between overstocking of layers, egg glut, avian flu vaccination and low productivity.
The egg industry in Mexico is at a crossroads between overstocking of layers, egg glut, avian flu vaccination and low productivity.

The situation of the egg industry in Mexico is not flattering. Poultry producers of the fourth (or fifth) largest egg producing country in the world (depending on the source) have experienced almost twenty months of losses, as the price is below the cost of production.

During the FIGAP trade fair in Guadalajara last week, I heard comments that this has been the result of the recovery of the outbreak of avian flu. Egg producers that made it were motivated to house more birds and those who lost, wanted to recover, so there was a tremendous growth of egg production in Mexico. But apparently, the same thing happened in the United States. Therefore, markets are depressed. Apparently, there is an egg glut worldwide so a short-term recovery is not in sight.

After the outbreak of 2012 in Mexico, egg production recovered, but the concern is that productivity has not. And the thing is that Mexico continues vaccinating against avian flu. It is said that poultry producers have worked hard and have improved biosecurity conditions, but efficiency in production shows no signs of recovery.

It seems that restocking is already reducing, but unlike the broiler industry - in which the impact of reducing stocking is faster - it will not be until about six months before the effect is seen.

Wouldn’t it be better to have fewer hens and be more efficient? It is said that low productivity is a lag of avian flu. However, all this - either avian flu or low productivity - goes against the egg producer. We must not forget that while the country continues vaccinating (the first outbreak occurred more than four years ago), there is no way to export. The only way for the Mexican egg industry is the development of exports. Producers must further improve sanitation and biosecurity. And eradicate disease. What do you think?

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