Impact of the new approach to Cuba in poultry

A few days ago, the analyst Ken Shwedel published in his weekly bulletin that the good news for the Cubans of diplomatic relations and the relative openness with the U.S. is not necessarily good news for Mexican agriculture.

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A few days ago, the analyst Ken Shwedel published in his weekly bulletin that the good news for the Cubans of diplomatic relations and the relative openness with the U.S. is not necessarily good news for Mexican agriculture. Before the blockade, Cuba supplied vegetables in the winter to the U.S. In fact, it is said the blockade pushed Mexican agriculture back to the 1960s.


Along with this comment, I was thinking what would be the impact of this opening in the regional poultry industries — read Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, Colombia and the U.S.


Cuban poultry production, as we recently published, has very particular characteristics that differentiate it not only to the Latin American poultry production, but to the rest of the world. One of these is its own poultry genetics, adapted to the tropics and production conditions without many of the tools and ingredients that all others have.


Although the Cuban system is far from resembling the Chinese system, no one says that things cannot change. Will the Cuban poultry genetics be marketed in other countries? Or be adapted? Additionally, perhaps we can venture to think that while improving economic conditions in the island, countries of the Caribbean Basin, including Mexico and Colombia, could export products (provided animal health problems are solved).


The population of the island is just over 11 million people, which is not a huge market, but it can be interesting, considering the craving Cubans may have for new things, including a greater amount of protein consumption or the novelty of "fast food.” But there's the appeal of perhaps investing in island poultry production.


I leave this as food for thought for the new year. Happy New Year!

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