World Egg Day celebrations in largest egg-consuming country Mexico

This October 11 we celebrate World Egg Day, an event which has been done since 1996, and as members of the poultry industry, this represents a major milestone for many reasons. First, because it promotes the consumption of a great product and a great protein, normally with an affordable price for virtually the entire population. The second reason is that, with this, we are defeating the invisible enemy of ignorance regarding erroneous myths about eggs.

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 This October 11 we celebrate World Egg Day, an event which has been done since 1996, and as members of the poultry industry, this represents a major milestone for many reasons. First, because it promotes the consumption of a great product and a great protein, normally with an affordable price for virtually the entire population. The second reason is that, with this, we are defeating the invisible enemy of ignorance regarding erroneous myths about eggs.

As far as I understand, many countries are going to celebrate World Egg Day. In my country, the National Poultry Institute of Mexico, with the support of the National Poultry Producers Association, the celebration will consist of breakfast and a series of presentations that will focus on the origin of the egg, on the myths surrounding it, cardiovascular disease and something that I liked a lot: the link to a healthy lifestyle.

Obviously, eggs will star at breakfast. And it is no surprise, since it is well known that we always have eggs for breakfast in Mexico, which is the reason Mexico is the largest per-capita consumer in the world (one egg per person per day). But the whole event is aimed to the general public, that public that is surprised to know the difference between a chicken and a hen, or between a table egg and a hatching egg, or that it is advisable to eat eggs every day. That's the goal.

The marketing and promotional efforts are everywhere. The International Egg Commission, now headed by a Mexican, supports it worldwide. We just released news about the industry of Ecuador and Colombia. This latter is one the largest consumers in Latin America (235 units per capita), along with Argentina (238) and Uruguay (262). And although a lot of eggs are consumed in Mexico, we will go for more!

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