All the fun of the (Poultry, etc.) fair at EuroTier

At the moment of writing, I am at German trade event EuroTier, and of course the event is about a lot more than poultry, and far from simply about Germany! Events such as EuroTier are always great learning experiences, and offer a rare opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues from around the world.

Clements 90x90 Headshot Headshot

Excuse me for allowing an invasion of other species than poultry into this column. At the moment of writing, I am at German trade event EuroTier, and of course the event is about a lot more than poultry and eggs, and far from simply about Germany!

Events such as EuroTier are always great learning experiences, and offer a rare opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues from around the world. And with nearly half of visitors this year coming from overseas, it presents the ideal forum for building new relationships and really cementing those that may have started in some other way or in some other form. 

And in this vein, I wanted to thank all those who have been kind enough to explain their products and technologies, and offer insight on my journey through the vast expanse that is the Hanover showground, home to EuroTier in its various guises. There are too many companies and too many individuals that have helped me out to list here, but I would like to extend particular thanks to Dr. Sven Keller, for explaining the action and research behind Novus’ new product Avimatrix in a way that was clear and easy to understand, and he was more than open to some slightly tough questioning from me. 

But EuroTier is a lot of fun, too. I’ve posted a selection of images below of some of the things that have caught my eye so far, and do take a look at the daily reports we have been posting, too. I am not the world’s best photographer, but the little child with the pig balloon captures the creativity and fun evident at the event, and if you do look at our daily reports the projection of flies and beetles I also particularly liked.

Most of us are attracted to something shiny and new, even if we like to think that we are immune to such things. Something may be of the very best quality, but unless it grabs your attention, you are unlikely to venture further to gain a more thorough knowledge and understanding. 

I hope that the images below can in some way act as an inspiration for message communication and engagement. They certainly worked for me. 


 Take a seat. Possibly not the most comfortable form of seating, but certainly eye-catching!


A closer look at the digestive tract offered by this perspex chicken.


Not genetics gone mad, but oversized parasites descending from the ceiling certainly highlighted the need for pest control.


Simple but effective. This pig-shaped and weighted balloon appeared in numerous halls, and everyone seemed to love it.

 Words, patterns and images of chicks were projected onto falling water at the Lubing stand.

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