World Egg Day fast approaching

With World Egg Day due to take place on October 12, any organizers of events should have preparations well underway, but just in case, I thought that it might be worthwhile to offer a few pointers for last-minute ideas. A first point of call could be for ideas and egg facts.

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With World Egg Day due to take place on October 12, any organizers of events should have preparations well underway, but just in case, I thought that it might be worthwhile to offer a few pointers for last-minute ideas.

A first point of call could be for ideas and egg facts. The website, established by the International Egg Commission, also offers nutritional information and a look at corporate social responsibility.

World Egg Day can be a lot of fun, and to see images of how the event has been celebrated around the world in the past, take a look at AnimalAgNet where various photographs of events in countries ranging from Hungary to New Zealand can be found.

But of course, there is a serious side to World Egg Day. 

As part of the egg industry’s commitment to helping those in need, the International Egg Commission is starting to work with the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation. The FAO is dedicated to making sure that people throughout the world have regular access to high quality food, and eggs can play an integral role in achieving this. 

To find out more about this initiative, you can watch a video of International Egg Commission Director General Julian Madeley talking about working with the FAO. 

According to International Egg Commission chairman Joanne Ivy, this year the egg industry is publicly pledging to work with food organizations and developing nations to help provide access to eggs for everyone. That’s something to celebrate, whatever sector you work in.

In some parts of the world, World Egg Day is celebrated a little before October 12, and in some parts a little after, and some countries celebrate over a whole week! British Egg Week, for example, has already started. 

I would very much like to hear what you are doing in your part of the world, and see any photographs from the activities. 

For anyone still needing materials for the event, it may well be worth contacting Novus. The company has been active in World Egg Day in a number of countries for awhile now and can provide literature in various languages. Via its resources pages, the company is offering a variety of materials, including brochures, a coloring book and posters.

Many egg producers have had a little bit of a difficult time of late, be it dealing with avian influenza in Mexico, or adapting to the cage ban in Europe, so it’s good to have a little fun time. As the International Egg Commission says: “Let’s get cracking and celebrate World Egg Day!”

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