Worries about cage-free eggs reach India

Attendees at a session organized by India’s National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) and Vista Processed Foods were cautioned that if cage-free egg production reaches India, egg consumption would be apt to decline.

Photo by Andrea Gantz
Photo by Andrea Gantz

From WATTAgNet:

Attendees at a session organized by India’s National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) and Vista Processed Foods were cautioned that if cage-free egg production reaches India, egg consumption would be apt to decline.

During the session titled “Understanding Cage-Free Poultry,” Vista Processed Foods CEO Bhupinder Singh said cage-free egg production would multiply the cost of eggs by at least four times the current price, which is around INR5 (US$0.08).

Presently, according to a report from The Hindu, yearly per capita consumption of eggs is as low as 62, almost a third of the amount recommended by the National Nutrition Institute.

The concerns in India are similar to those expressed in the United States, where cage-free eggs are currently carrying a retail price that is roughly three times that of traditionally-produced eggs. One critic recently said that a transition to cage-free eggs in the United States will contribute to increased poverty rates.

'Cage-free poultry farming will push up egg prices'

Mumbai: Many in the poultry farming business believe that if cage-free poultry farming is to be taken up in India, the cost of an egg will shoot up four-fold. At a session on ‘Understanding Cage Free Poultry’ organised by the National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC) and Vista Processed Foods, speakers termed cage-free poultry “a mishap, a catastrophe in an already protein-deficient nation”.

Read More at The Hindu

Comprehensive resource for cage-free eggs available

A new collection of exclusive articles, blogs and infographics on Cage-free Eggs and Consumer Trust in the Poultry Industry, written by trusted WATT Global Media editors and industry experts will equip egg producers and marketers with information to help them make critical business decisions. Purchase your copy.

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