4 ways the egg industry can battle avian flu in 2016

Find out how the egg industry failed to battle avian flu last year and what we can do about it this year.

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FOTER | 16:9clue

Dr. Jill Nezworski, Blue House Veterinary, spoke to members of the egg industry at the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) in Atlanta, Georgia about how the industry failed to protect itself from avian influenza during the last year.

Nezworski identifies four steps that can be taken to better manage avian influenza in our "How egg industry can better battle avian flu in 2016" article in this month's edition of Egg Industry:

1) Early detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza

2) Clear communication vital to responding to avian flu

3) Safe and timely avian influenza diagnosis

4) Reprioritizing the farms to be depopulated

Learn more about how to better battle avian flu in 2016 in the March issue of Egg Industry.

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