Malaysian egg market set for continued growth

Around 8.57 billion table eggs were produced in peninsular Malaysia in 2010 (up by 11.8% from 7.6 billion produced in 2009), making it one of the world’s largest producers. The trend is set to continue with 2011 projections coming in around 8.64 billion.

Table egg and day-old pullet production expanded in 2010, and this growth is thought to have continued in 2011.
Table egg and day-old pullet production expanded in 2010, and this growth is thought to have continued in 2011.

Around 8.57 billion table eggs were produced in peninsular Malaysia in 2010 (up by 11.8% from 7.6 billion produced in 2009), making it one of the world’s largest producers. The trend is set to continue with 2011 projections coming in around 8.64 billion. The majority of production is consumed domestically, with exports accounting for only 14% of total production in 2010.

The annual ex-farm price per egg was RM 0.3 (up by 9.5% from the 2009 figure) with production costs running at RM 0.29. This puts the value of 2010’s egg production at RM 2.569 billion (US$860 million), with gross profits of only RM 85 million (US$28 million).

Last year, around 31.72 million day-old pullets were produced in the country, worth RM 57 to 63 million using traded ex-farm prices. In 2011, production is expected to rise to 33.48 million.


Malaysia exported almost 1.2 billion table eggs in 2010, which is about 14% of its total production and up by 43% on 2009 (833.64 million eggs). The bulk of these exports were to Singapore (763.32 million eggs - 63.9% of total exports). Malaysia has been the largest egg exporter to Singapore for several years. A far smaller but still significant amount of eggs is also exported to Indonesia (4.35 million eggs - 0.4%) and Hong Kong (1.53 million eggs - 0.1%). These exports were worth around RM 346.84 million.

There are four egg processing plants with Veterinary Health Mark certification in Malaysia. However, there are no figures available for the export of liquid eggs in 2010.

Malaysia also exports fertile eggs to Brunei and Sarawak. Around 849,900 fertile eggs were exported in 2010, with 59% destined for Brunei (345,900 eggs). This is a dramatic drop on 2009, when the country exported 3.19 million fertile eggs. Exports to Indonesia have been the main cause for this decline, accounting for 2.7 million eggs in 2009 and none in 2010. Around 970,000 day-old layers were exported to Singapore, Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak.

Despite its healthy export trade, Malaysia imports a small amount of eggs and egg products: 3,268 metric tons of egg products and 149,400 specific pathogen-free eggs in 2010. In 2009, the country only imported 195 metric tons of egg products.


There are only five layer breeding companies operating in Malaysia, according to the survey carried out by the government in June to August 2010. Three companies operate in the central area, where there are four farms. One company is located in the south, where there are nine farms, and the remaining firm operates a single farm in the north of the country.

The smallest of the breeders had holding stock of around 20,000 birds with an annual production of around 1.64 million day-old pullets. The largest had close to 201,000 birds, producing around 13.89 million day-old pullets in 2010.

Total standing stock and annual replacement of layer parent birds in 2010 amounted to 507,044 and 411,998, respectively. This represents an increase on the 2009 figures. However, the figures are predicted to fall back in 2011 to a standing population of 341,056 and emplacement stock of 304,430.


Almost half of the layer parent stocks in 2010 were Hisex, up dramatically from just over 30% in 2009. Lohmann is also a popular breed with almost one quarter of the 2010 market (up from just over 20% in 2009). Novogen entered the market for the first time in 2010, with a healthy 14.5% of birds. However, both ISA Brown and ISA Warren disappeared from the market in 2010, having held 18.53% and 11.06% in 2009.

All day-old parent stocks in Malaysia were imported from the European Union. The Netherlands was the leading source, with almost half of imports in 2010, 49.26%, up from 32.18% in 2009. Germany and France accounted for 36.26% and 14.48% respectively, down from 38.24% and 29.58% in 2009.

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