Innovations, competition at the 2011 IPE

The U.S. Poultry and Egg Association are to be commended on their fine organization and execution of what must be regarded as the premier world poultry event. Combining floor displays with a complementary educational program, the annual IPE is a one-stop occasion to acquire knowledge, contact prospective suppliers and customers and renew acquaintances with colleagues.

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The 2011 International Poultry Exposition in Atlanta attracted over 900 exhibitors and 20,000 attendees.
The 2011 International Poultry Exposition in Atlanta attracted over 900 exhibitors and 20,000 attendees.

This edition of Egg Industry is devoted to reports and observations from the 2011 International Poultry Exposition in Atlanta. The U.S. Poultry and Egg Association are to be commended on their fine organization and execution of what must be regarded as the premier world poultry event. Combining floor displays with a complementary educational program, the annual IPE is a one-stop occasion to acquire knowledge, contact prospective suppliers and customers and renew acquaintances with colleagues.

The statistics speak for themselves. In World and North America economies, which are at best in a state of recovery, the event attracted over 900 exhibitors and 20,000 attendees. From all accounts business was brisk with both leads and sales being reported by most exhibitors.

This year the domestic cage, grading and packaging equipment and related suppliers to the egg industry demonstrated their products and participated in the event. It is hoped that the business they generated will justify a return to annual exhibition as this enhances attendance and the value of the IPE.

Some of the innovations that were evident at the show included SE detection kits, the growing interest in robotic handling of product, enrichable and enriched cage systems and a broader range of feed additives. Of extreme interest was the head-to-head competition between Staalkat the subsidiary of Sanovo with their 600 cph installation and the Moba 500cph installation which displaced the traditional display of Diamond grading equipment.

As with broiler processing, it appears that grading and packing is increasingly dominated by European development and technology. This may in fact be due to a greater commitment to research and development justified by sales to the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Southeastern and Central Asia which are the principal developing markets for these products.

The 2011 IPE had strong international participation confirming the importance of the event to producers in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America as well as the Pacific Rim. This an encouraging trend since it shows that attendees regard the IPE as a significant business destination and the value of the IPE has not been displaced by proliferation of regional and national shows during the past decade.

We all look forward to the 2012 event and hope that John Starkey and his U.S. Poultry and Egg Association team will provide another stimulating and flawless exhibition and educational program. 

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