World Egg Day

World Egg Day is a unique opportunity to raise awareness of the benefits of eggs and is celebrated in countries around the world. It was established in 1996, at the International Egg Commission (IEC) Vienna conference, when it was decided to celebrate World Egg Day on the second Friday in October each year.

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World Egg Day is a unique opportunity to raise awareness of the benefits of eggs and is celebrated in countries around the world.

It was established in 1996, at the International Egg Commission (IEC) Vienna conference, when it was decided to celebrate World Egg Day on the second Friday in October each year.

Numerous egg associations and egg marketing companies around the world take advantage of World Egg Day, and the IEC has provided promotional activity to help support individual initiatives.

Initiatives to celebrate the event have taken various forms.

In 2005, the Camera Argentina de Productos Avicolas organized a promotional campaign in response to research that found that consumers felt that eggs had no identity. To create a personality that the public could relate to, an egg-shaped Super Man character called Super Huevo was developed for a package label, listing all the health benefits of eggs for different age groups.

The same year, Hungary organized an eggs festival, while in Australia, the Australian Egg Corporation launched an Egg Ambassador. Geoff Jansz, a chef on Australian television, who hosted a special episode about eggs on his “Fresh” shows.

More recently, World Egg Day was promoted through various national newspapers in China, while in the US, the director of the American Egg Board Howard Helmer participated in a satellite media tour from Chicago during the first week of October.

Helmer spoke with 15 news stations from cities across the country, demonstrating omelettes with Asian, Mexican, Mediterranean and Indian flair, and discussed eggs’ affordability, versatility and nutritional benefits.

To read about and see a selection of the events that were organized for World Egg Day 2009, go to: 


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