Finding the value of the egg

Statistics from UC Poultry specialist emeritus Don Bell explore specific industry information.

Flocks statistics for June 2009, circulated on August 15 included the following key egg industry values:

  • Estimated 2009 year-end complement = 277.2 million table egg layers
  • July 1, 2009 hen complement = 276.2 million producing birds (excludes hens in molt)
  • Proportion of U.S. flock undergoing molt on July 1 = 3.4%
  • Proportion of U.S. flock completed molt July 1 = 20.2%
  • Total table eggs produced in June = 6,285 million
  • Projected 2009 total production = 76.7 billion eggs or 6.4 billion dozen or 212.9 million cases
  • Six month average U.S. hen week production = 75.3%
  • Average U.S. cost of production in July 2009 = 57.5¢
  • Average mid-month egg price (c/doz) mid-July = 55.9¢
  • Proportion of U.S. eggs broken through June 2009 = 30.8%
  • 2009 estimate of per capita egg consumption = 249.5
  • Exports of table eggs in shell form, January-May 2009 = 0.89% of U.S. production
  • Export of egg products January-May 2009 = 1.36% of U.S. production
  • Proportion of exports in relation to total U.S. production January-May 2009 2.25%
  • U.S. average feed cost January-July 2009 $207.40/ton = 59.4¢/doz.

The major trends in comparing current values to 2008 include:

  • 19% decrease in average U.S. feed cost
  • 13.5% decrease in feed cost per dozen
  • 2.4% decrease in shell eggs broken under Federal inspection year to date
  • 37.6% decline in average monthly egg price over seven months, year to date (98.5c/doz to 60.9c/doz)
  • 1.3% increase in average U.S. rate of lay from 74.3% to 75.3% over six months of 2009
  • Virtually static average table egg flock comparing the average with the first six months of 2008 and 2009 respectively

The full report can be obtained from Don Bell at [email protected].

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