More feed with avian influenza

The feed production in Mexico continues to grow at higher rates than in other countries. This year alone, a growth of 3.5 percent is expected.

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The feed production in Mexico continues to grow, even at higher rates than in other countries. This year, according to data disclosed by CONAFAB in the last Forum of the Feed Industry Analysis, a growth of 3.5 percent is expected. Not only that, railway transportation has grown in recent years to an average of 4 percent, twice the national economy. Some 20 million metric tons of grains are transported via these railways to feed mills. In short, the industry is booming.

What does this mean? It clearly means that Mexico is increasing consumption of animal protein. It is noteworthy that of the 30 million metric tons of feed produced, poultry accounts for 50 per cent of the usage. From this, 8.8 million metric tons were broiler feed (29.3 percent of the total) and 6.3 million metric tons (21 percent of the total) is fed to laying hens.

It is here that I find the situation of avian influenza a very serious problem. In Mexico, poultry production grows despite avian influenza. Perhaps it is less efficient, but poultry production is still rising. Poultry feed plays a very important role in the overall increase in feed production. On the other hand, the terrible situation of avian influenza in the United States affects genetic material and there’s word that there may be shortages in the coming months or years, although there are other options. If there is shortage of genetic material, will we see less poultry production? What will be the impact of avian influenza on feed production? Hopefully the positive outlook will remain.

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