Premier of Ontario Doug Ford tours Maple Leaf Foods plant

The poultry plant in London, Ontario, has been in operation since November 2022.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford, front left, tours the Maple Leaf Foods poultry plant in London, Ontario.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford, front left, tours the Maple Leaf Foods poultry plant in London, Ontario.
Doug Ford | LinkedIn

Doug Ford, the premier of Ontario, recently toured Maple Leaf Foods’ newest poultry plant – located in London, Ontario.

In a LinkedIn post, Ford stated: “It was great to have a firsthand look at how Maple Leaf Foods Inc. is supporting Ontario’s agricultural sector and creating good jobs for workers with its London poultry plant.”

Operations at the plant began in November 2022.

As of early August 2023, the London plant was operating at about 75% capacity, with 250,000 birds were being processed per day at the London plant, which was built to take on the capacity from several older, smaller plants. Maple Leaf Foods CEO Curtis Frank said at the time that the plant was expected to be operating at full capacity by the end of 2023.

When fully staffed, the London plant is to employ about 1,600 people.

Ford was sworn in as Ontario’s premier on June 29, 2018.

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