Top US poultry company data sets now available to purchase

Exclusive broiler, turkey company data sets from WATTAgNet’s Top Poultry Companies database are now available for sale online.

Exclusive data sets on the top U.S. broiler and turkey companies are available for purchase online.
Exclusive data sets on the top U.S. broiler and turkey companies are available for purchase online.

WATTAgNet has compiled exclusive data sets from its Top Poultry Companies database, which can now be purchased online at These data sets contain key information on the top U.S. broiler and turkey producers, collected by WATT as part of its research for the Top Companies database.

Lists of the 32 leading U.S. broiler producers from 2007 through 2016 are available, including their reported RTC production for each year, company headquarters information and growth rankings; as well as information on 2016’s leaders, such as RTC production, head slaughtered, average pounds liveweight, total pounds liveweight and number of slaughter plants. These datasets compile valuable top companies information over multiple years, allowing you to analyze the movement of the market’s leading companies.

Also available for purchase are lists of more than 270 top broiler and turkey company plant locations and company headquarters in the United States. This spreadsheet is complete with the plant location, plant type, plant manager name and plant contact phone number where available. A list of the key personnel at leading U.S. poultry companies can also be purchased, containing upper management and plant management names for all companies listed in WATTPoultryUSA’s Top Companies issue.

Complete data sets available for purchase for top U.S. broiler and turkey companies:

Top US broiler producers 2016

Top US broiler producers 2007-2016

Plant locations of US broiler and turkey producers

Key personnel at leading US broiler producers

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