Batista brothers return to JBS CEO, chairman roles

Wesley Batista has returned to his job as president and CEO of JBS, while his brother, Joesley Batista has resumed his role as chairman of the JBS board.

Roy Graber Headshot
Wesley Batista | Photo by Benjamin Ruiz
Wesley Batista | Photo by Benjamin Ruiz

Wesley Batista has returned to his job as president and CEO of JBS, while his brother, Joesley Batista has resumed his role as chairman of the JBS board.

The brothers on September 5 had been ordered by a Brazilian federal judge to discontinue their work with the global meat and poultry company and investment holding company J&F Investimentos while an investigation of suspected fraud at some of Brazil’s largest pension funds was being conducted.

According to a statement released by JBS, an agreement had been signed between the shareholders of J&F Investimentos and the Federal Public Prosecutor, which was approved. Consequently, all measures against J&F Investimentos and the Batista brothers were lifted.

A special JBS board meeting was held on September 14 to reinstate the Batista brothers.

Interim leadership for JBS

Wesley Batista returned to his role as president and CEO just one day after the board appointed José Batista Júnior, another brother, to serve as the global meat and poultry company’s interim president and CEO.

The interim leader had previously served as president of the company for 20 years and was profoundly knowledgeable of all the activities of JBS, according to a company statement.

During Joesley Batista’s time away from his role of chairman of the board, José Batista Sobrinho, founder of JBS and father of José, Wesley and Joesley, was appointed as chairman of the board.

“I thank my brother, José Batista Júnior, for having temporarily assumed the presidency of JBS and I also thank all our shareholders and other stakeholders for the trust they place in us. I will continue working with the global and regional leadership teams towards the consolidation of JBS as a global leader in the food sector,” Wesley Batista stated.

JBS, according to the WATTAgNet Top Poultry Companies Database, is the largest broiler company in the world.

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